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MinoConnectBluetoothRadio is primarily used for mobile reception of meter data and status information of all meters and sensors with wireless M-Bus radio interface.

In addition, the MinoConnectBluetoothRadio has an interface for connecting the ZENNER optical head and offers the possibility of device configuration of ZENNER measuring devices and sensors with optical interface.

Product images

MinoConnect radio with wireless M-Bus Interface
MinoConnect radio with wireless M-Bus Interface



Performance characteristics in overview

  • Rechargeable battery powered
  • Easy handling via push-button
  • Status LED shows operating status
  • Interface RS232 and RS485
  • In connection with the ZENNER IrCombiHead, supports the interfaces IEC 62056 (1107) and IrDA

Scope of delivery

  • MinoConnectBluetoothRadio incl. battery
  • Antenna
  • OptoHead IrCombiHead
  • Micro USB charging cable
  • Plug-in power supply unit
  • Operating manual


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