

Become a digital infrastructure operator - all information about LoRaWAN® and network operation.

Communication Technology by ZENNER Middle East

Data transmission via the Internet of Things with LoRaWAN®

LoRaWAN® is an international, open radio standard, which is continually being developed by the LoRa Alliance®. By using a special modulation procedure (Chirp Spread Spectrum), very long ranges and excellent building penetration can be achieved.

LoRaWAN® Gateways

Network as a Service

LoRaWAN® Network Server

Bidirectional communication, a high level of security through modern encryption technologies and low energy demands make LoRaWAN® the perfect technology for the remote reading of water, heat and cooling energy meters and gas meters. Applications in the fields of Smart Building or Smart City can be implemented with LoRaWAN®:

  • Reading of main and sub-metering meters or sensors remotely
  • Meter readout without appointments
  • Assignment to and billing of consumption of individual metering
  • Visualisation of consumption and energy monitoring
  • Simplifying the readout of meters in hard-to-reach measuring points
LoRaWAN®: Communication Technologies from ZENNER

LoRaWAN® enables you to read data from water, heat and cooling energy and gas meters via a stationary radio system. ZENNER offers you a full range of capable measurement technology and innovative radio modules for all types of meters.

The required network coverage can be cost-effectively deployed through the installation of LoRaWAN® gateways.

Product imageIOT_ZENNER_Indoor-GatewayZENNER IoT gateway indoor

ZENNER IoT gateway indoor

The ZENNER IoT gateways use high-performance LoRaWAN® technology, whose excellent building penetration and long-range network coverage ensure the connectivity of IoT sensors even …

Product imageIOT_ZENNER_Outdoor-GatewayZENNER IoT gateway outdoor for LoRaWAN®

ZENNER IoT gateway outdoor for LoRaWAN®

The ZENNER IoT gateways use high-performance LoRaWAN® technology, whose excellent building penetration and long-range network coverage ensure the connectivity of IoT sensors even …

ZENNER Connect operates a secure LoRaWAN® network for the housing and real estate industry, municipalities, energy suppliers and industrial companies. ZENNER Connect is registered with the Federal Network Agency as a LoRaWAN® network operator. As such, this registration is no longer necessary for our managed services network customers.

Our network availability is growing day by day: We are already present in numerous European countries such as Germany, Austria, Italy, Denmark and Sweden and are continuously expanding our network availability.

What’s more, we also make our LoRaWAN® network available in the USA and the United Arab Emirates.

Our network visualisation allows you to quickly and easily gain an overview of which regions have ZENNER Connect LoRaWAN® network availability. If our network is already available in your local area, you can get started directly by implementing your IoT applications without additional hardware.


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Disclaimer: The availability shown is based on simulation results and calculations. The actual availability with LoRaWAN® may vary due to technical reasons. There is no claim to LoRaWAN® availability in the areas shown.

What you view on the map

The initial view shows at a glance all countries in which we are already represented as ZENNER Connect, highlighted in blue. If you zoom into the map, the display changes to the hexagon view. The colouring of the hexagons reflects the number of gateways in the respective area – the darker the hexagon, the more gateways in the respective area, the more likely there is network availability. Depending on the zoom level, the hexagon circumference increases or decreases.

By clicking on the antenna icon, the display changes to the simulation view. In this view, the supply of all gateways is simulated and superimposed depending on their type (indoor/outdoor gateway, mounting height). The simulation is based on the Irregular Terrain Model (ITM) and takes into account not only the properties of gateways but also the topology around the installation site. This makes it possible to make a reliable statement regarding the expected availability even in challenging terrain.

We plan the LoRaWAN® network expansion along with you to suit your applications and requirements.

Would you like to set up your network yourself, operate it on your own and ensure the greatest possible freedom in the configuration? We provide you with all the necessary technical components for connectivity and support you in all aspects of your network setup. Municipal utilities, municipalities, energy suppliers and industrial companies are independent of third parties through the use of LoRaWAN®. The network availability required to implement IoT applications can be established easily, quickly and cost-effectively by installing LoRaWAN® gateways.

Municipal utilities in particular can reap the benefits of this model and contribute their core competencies (provision of ideal locations, field service, WAN connection). ZENNER Connect offers cooperation models specially tailored to municipal utilities and energy providers for the setup and operation of LoRaWAN® networks. An existing LoRaWAN® network can be expanded at any time with additional indoor and/or outdoor gateways. Depending on requirements, you can implement an outdoor application with a few gateways and expand the coverage, e.g. in the building, for further applications with additional gateways at a later time.


Get in touch with our team of experts and innovators to learn about what we can do together with you.